
Publisert 28. nov. 2014 09:29

Today's Q&A session is cancelled because I still haven't found my voice back. :( I offer to have an alternative session on Monday (standard lecture times) for those that are interested. Also feel free to contact me via email if you have concrete questions concerning anything concerning the pensum and/or exam.

Publisert 21. nov. 2014 21:26

I have now replaced the tentative syllabus with an updated version, including also a detailed footnote commenting on the pensum recommendations in view of the final exam.

Recall that you will be allowed to take up to 3 pages (both sides) with own notes to the exam. You will be asked to both perform concrete calculations and to answer conceptual questions, so bear that in mind when preparing your notes. It is also a good idea to prepare these notes in an as organized manner as possible -- they are meant to help you, not to take additional time when trying to find the information you are looking for!

Publisert 11. nov. 2014 23:28

Scheduled for discussion on Friday 21 November...

Publisert 10. nov. 2014 11:48

We have now gone through all mid-term exams that have been handed in. You can see the results here. With 6 out of 13 qualifying for an `A' (assuming this was the only exam), you have generally really been doing very well! 


Publisert 31. okt. 2014 11:46

To be discussed today during the exercises...

Publisert 29. okt. 2014 10:28

On popular demand, there will be another informal "QFT coffee" where we can meet and talk about anything you like -- please fill in the doodle to determine the date that suits most of you.

Publisert 29. okt. 2014 09:54

During this week's exercise session (Friday 29/10), we will discuss the solutions to the problems of the home exam. 

Next week, there will be no exercises but lectures on all three days -- i.e. on Monday 3/11, Tuesday 4/11 and Friday 7/11.

The week afterwards there will be a lecture only on Monday (10/11), and exercises on both Tuesday 11/11 and Friday 14/11.

Publisert 19. okt. 2014 12:16

The mid-term exam is now available. Deadline is Tuesday, 28 October 2014, 10:15am (see instructions written in the exam).

I wish everybody good luck!

Publisert 8. okt. 2014 12:19

There are no new exercises this week. Rather, the group session on Friday (17/10) will be fully devoted to answering questions that you may have concerning the course content so far. Thinking about good questions is thus an excellent preparation for the home exam that you will get on October 20...


Publisert 9. sep. 2014 13:50

With 17 against 0 votes, the date of the mid-term exam has now been  postponed by two weeks -- see also the updated course plan. The exam will be made available on the morning of October 20, and must be handed in latest during the lecture on October 28 (i.e. Tuesday the week after). 

There will be no lectures or exercises during the week starting Oct 20.

Publisert 28. aug. 2014 13:43

As advertised, there will be a very informal "QFT coffee" where we can meet and talk about anything you like -- feedback on lecture or exercises, planning ahead, general on QFT and its applications, career considerations, you name it...

The location obviously depends on the number of people that are interested. So please indicate in this doodle whether, and when, you plan to attend (of course you can also leave a comment with suggestions where to meet); the final date&place will be announced in the lecture.


Publisert 27. aug. 2014 20:06

This Friday (29/08), there will be a lecture rather than exercises. Next tuesday, in return, there won't be any lecture -- but you are invited to join instead this event.

Publisert 26. aug. 2014 14:11

This week, there will exceptionally be no new problem set. Instead, please use the time -- and exercise classes -- to make sure that you really master all the concepts introduced until now in the lecture. Note that everything covered so far will be needed over and over again during the entire course (and is typically included in the courses listed as prerequisites for FYS4170).

Publisert 25. aug. 2014 15:38

As a result of the doodle, the Exercises will this week exceptionally take place on Wednesday 27th, 4-6 pm (same place).

Publisert 19. aug. 2014 14:04

The first problem set is now online, where you can i) recap in slightly more detail an argument about conserved currents given in the lecture, ii) apply the Lagrange formalism to electromagnetism  and iii) get some hands-on experience on how to treat Lorentz transformations (in particular how to recover the familiar finite form from the infinitesimal form introduced in the lecture) .


Let me use this opportunity to remind you that the exercises are an integral part of the course, and contain important information that applies, but sometimes also extends, what is explicitly covered in the lectures. 

Publisert 5. aug. 2014 11:13

A tentative plan for the first course in relativistic quantum field theory (FYS4170) can now be found on the semester pages of the course, including reading suggestions.

Lectures1 will be on Mondays and Tuesdays, and start on August 18th. Group exercises will be on Fridays and run by Parampreet Walia.

Welcome! :)

Torsten Bringmann



1 The lectures are given in English unless everybody speaks Norwegian.