group exercises

You should now have received an email that places you in one of three groups -- if not, please contact me!

Each group hands in their solution of the weekly exercise by Wednesday 3pm, and presents/discusses it on the subsequent Friday.

The first set of problems will be made available this Wednesday (19/08), for discussion next week (28/08). This week, the discussion on Friday will focus on the 'preliminaries' notes, e.g. by going through the initial exercises (i.e. no hand-in this week).

[In order to help you get started with compiling your answers in LaTeX -- which is encouraged, but not required -- here is the .tex file for this initial exercise sheet, which you can use as a 'baseline template' to create future answers]


Published Aug. 17, 2020 2:02 PM - Last modified Aug. 17, 2020 2:02 PM