Mid-term exam

The exam is rapidly approaching, so here are some general considerations to help you with the preparations and to do well:

  • start early (= now)!
  • go through the whole lecture notes, and prepare questions for the Q&A session next week
  • you can bring 2 sheets (=4 sides) of A4 paper with own notes. Prepare them wisely and in time, view this as crucial part of the preparation.
  • Look again through the exercises, as well as at exam (or midterm exam) problems from previous years. Make sure to actually sit down and calculate at least some examples to the end, don't just look at the problems (or solutions, where available).
  • Discuss with each other, explain each other your understanding ! (As in previous years, you will not only be asked to calculate, but also to explain and interpret results)
  • Re-start using PIAZZA
Published Sep. 30, 2020 1:58 PM - Last modified Sep. 30, 2020 1:59 PM