Semesterside for FYS4460 - Vår 2020


The oral exam will be on June 12 and will be conducted over zoom. For more information on how to prepare for a zoom exam: One hour before your examination time, you will be sent an exam question, selected randomly from the questions listed. In the exam you will first present your work on project 4 (10 minutes), then you will present your answer to the exam question (10 minutes). You will be allowed...

26. mai 2020 13:53

The full textbook "Percolation theory using Python" has now been finished and can be downloaded here.

18. apr. 2020 22:21


The final exam in FYS4460 will be conducted as an oral examination as planned. The exam will be conducted digitally via the videoconference platform zoom due to the corona-situation. You will receive further practical information regarding the exam after Easter.


3. apr. 2020 11:48