
Publisert 23. okt. 2011 16:06

Oral midterm examination will be Monday, 24. October 2011. You are free to choose language (i.e. Norwegian/Danish or English). No explicit grade will be given, but the result will have some (estimated 20%) influence on the grade at the final exam. Presence and participation at the midterm exam are, however, pre-requisit for the final exam.

Publisert 1. sep. 2011 18:15

New times are: Mondays 10:15 - 12:00, at room Ø364 as before, and Tuesdays 10:15 - 12:00, at room Ø394 (note that this is another lecture room).

Publisert 23. aug. 2011 15:53

Changes in times of lectures: I suggest Mondays and Tuesdays with times decided upon agreement. Please contact supervisor by e-mail.