Cellular Potts Model

Week 42-43: Cellular Potts model (CPM)

Led by by Alvaro Köhn-Luque
Title: Modelling and simulation of multicellular systems using the cellular Potts model
In this part of the course the students will learn how to model and simulate multicellular and multiscale systems using the cellular Potts model and the software Morpheus: https://morpheus.gitlab.io/  It consists of a 90 minutes lecture followed by two hands-on sessions of 80 minutes each.
Lecture 19 Oct, 10:15-12:00: Modelling multicellular systems using the cellular Potts model.
Hands-on sessions 19 Oct 12:15-14:00: Getting Started with Morpheus. Simulation and analysis of simple models.
1) Before the lecture, students should read at least Chapter II.2: The Cellular Potts Model and Biophysical Properties of Cells, Tissues and Morphogenesis
in this book: https://www.springer.com/gp/book/9783764381011 (free download from UiO)
2) For the practical sessions, students should install the software Morpheus (https://morpheus.gitlab.io/#download) and Gnuplot (https://sourceforge.net/projects/gnuplot/files/gnuplot/) in their own laptops. In case of problems, contact Alvaro Köhn-Luque (alvaro.kohn-luque@medisin.uio.no)
Assignment text
1. Cell sorting
Links about the CPM:
Publisert 13. okt. 2021 11:28 - Sist endret 13. okt. 2021 11:28