Welcome to FYS4715 Biological Physics 2021

I am looking forward to an exciting new semester with you and lot's of hands on projects and novel science!

Bildet kan inneholde: grønn, organisme, blad, anlegg, tre.

This semester we will start Tuesday 24 August at 10:15 in seminar room 414 Physics Building west. If the Covid 19 situation permits, all teaching will be based in this room and nearby laboratories. Disregard other room information on the course web pages!

There will be lectures every Tuesday and Wednesday except when there are practical projects. The lectures will go through much the same path through the textbook as last year's course. I will soon make an updated schedule for this year. For some more suggestive images and examples you may check out the alternative website of the course. We just had our labs upgraded, I show some of them in this Instagram story (click on the LagLivLab story).

The practical projects will try to combine experiments and computation. This will put you right in the cross disciplinary focus of biological physics: understanding fundamental biology using the theoretical, computational and experimental tools of physics. In order to experiment on and build mathematical models of biological systems we are dependent on cooperating closely with biologists and physicians. Luckily we have good support from life scientists, engineers and other physicists for running this course.

I look forward to seeing you on Tuesday the 24th!

Publisert 11. aug. 2021 12:42 - Sist endret 11. aug. 2021 12:44