Some practical information:

Some practical information:

1) Unfortunately the lecture on the 3 of May will be cancelled,
we were almost through everything, so you get a little self-study instead.
There will be a group lesson on the 4th of May.

2) Here comes a detailed list of what is pensum and lesestoff in ch 11:

Pensum ch 11 is page 378 -423
except for pages 382-386 and ch 11.8 and ch 11.9.
within this ch 11.3, 11.5 and 11.11 self-study/lesestoff

3) The home exams are all corrected and can be picked up at the expedition office.

4) 18th of May will be a summary of the course lecture

5) 24th of May will be used for a synonyme game (a good exam training)

6) Week 8-12 May there is no lectures, but you are welcome to participate in the

Publisert 28. apr. 2017 12:47 - Sist endret 28. apr. 2017 12:47