
Published Apr. 3, 2020 1:38 PM

The final oral examination will be via Zoom.

Published Mar. 18, 2020 9:42 AM

Teaching at UiO will continue digitally from March 23 onwards. Below is the new schedule (* marks changes to the original prgramme).


Model practical schedule updated:
1.* March 25, Wed kl 9-15 (AF)
2a.* March 26, Thur kl 9-12 (AF)
2b.* March 27, Fri, kl 13-16 (AF)
3. March 30, Mon, kl 9-15 (AF&HF)
4. April 1, Wed, kl 13-16 (HF)
5. April 3, Fri kl 14-17 (HF)
6. April 16, Thur, kl 9-12 (HF)
7. May 11, Mon kl 9-12 model experiment presentation (KK)


Published Jan. 26, 2020 2:02 PM

Dear GEO4962/9962 students,

the lectures will take place at our new MetOs work location, which is
at Sognsveien 77b (Ullevål stadion), 2. level, Peer Gynt meeting room towards the left back.

See you all on 27.01.2020 at kl 12:15!

Published Oct. 24, 2019 4:35 PM

Attendance at the first lecture is compulsory. This also applies to students, at the waiting list for the course. Students who fail to meet, are considered to have withdrawn from the course unless they have previously given notice to the Student administration (