
DatoUndervises avStedTemaKommentarer / ressurser
14.01.2008Jan Erik Weber  Room 219, Geology Building  Introduction to GEF2500  Lecture 
21.01.2008Jan Erik Weber  Room 219, Geology Building  GEF2500 Lecture Note, Chapter 1  Lecture 
23.01.2008Jan Erik Weber  Room 219, Geology Building  GEF2500 Lecture Note, Chapters 1 & 2  Lecture 
28.01.2008Jan Erik Weber  Room 219, Geology Building  GEF2500 Lecture Note, Chapter 2  Lecture 
30.01.2008Jan Erik Weber  Room 219, Geology Building  GEF2500 Lecture Note, Chapter 2  Lecture 
04.02.2008Jan Erik Weber  Room 219, Geology Building   GEF2500 Lecture Note, Chapter 3  Lecture  
06.02.2008Jan Erik Weber   Room 219, Geology Building   GEF2500 Lecture Note, Chapter 3   Lecture  
11.02.2008Jan Erik Weber   Room 219, Geology Building   GEF2500 Lecture Note, Chapter 3   Lecture  
13.02.2008Jan Erik Weber   Room 219, Geology Building   GEF2500 Lecture Note, Chapter 4  Lecture + Handout of Obligatory Exercise No 1 (also on the net)  
18.02.2008No lecture      Students free to work with Oblig. 1 
20.02.2008No lecture       Students free to work with Oblig. 1 (no group on Thursday) 
25.02.2008Jan Erik Weber   Room 219, Geology Building   GEF2500 Lecture Note, Chapter 4   Lecture + Submission of Oblig. 1 
27.02.2008Jan Erik Weber   Room 219, Geology Building   GEF2500 Lecture Note, Chapter 4  Lecture  
03.03.2008Jan Erik Weber  Room 219, Geology Building  GEF2500 Lecture Note, Chapter 4  Lecture 
05.03.2008Jan Erik Weber  Room 219, Geology Building   GEF2500 Lecture Note, Chapter 4   Lecture  
10.03.2008Jan Erik Weber   Room 219, Geology Building   GEF2500 Lecture Note, Chapter 4, 5   Lecture + Handout of Obligatory Exercise No 2 (also on the net)  
12.03.2008Jan Erik Weber   Room 219, Geology Building  GEF2500 Lecture Note, Chapter 5   Lecture  
26.03.2008Jan Erik Weber   Room 219, Geology Building   GEF2500 Lecture Note, Chapter 5   Lecture  
27.03.2008Eivind Støylen  Aud. 1, Geology Building  Exercise  Submission of Obligatory Exercise no 2 
26.03.2008Ingen undervisning (midttermineksamen) i uke 14        
07.04.2008Jan Erik Weber   Room 219, Geology Building   GEF2500 Lecture Note, Chapter 5   Lecture 
09.04.2008Jan Erik Weber   Room 219, Geology Building   GEF2500 Lecture Note, Chapter 5   Lecture  
10.04.2008Eivind Støylen   Aud. 1, Geology Building   Exercise   Handout of Obligatory Exercise No 3 (also on the net)  
14.04.2008Jan Erik Weber   Room 219, Geology Building   GEF2500 Lecture Note, Chapter 5   Lecture  
16.04.2008      No lecture this Wednesday, group on Thursday as usual 
21.04.2008Jan Erik Weber   Room 219, Geology Building   GEF2500 Lecture Note, Chapter 5   Lecture + Submission of Obligatory Exercise No 3  
23.04.2008Jan Erik Weber   Room 219, Geology Building   GEF2500 Lecture Note, Chapter 5   Lecture  
28.04.2008Jan Erik Weber  Room 219, Geology Building   GEF2500 Lecture Note, Chapter 5 (finishing)  Lecture  
30.04.2008Jan Erik Weber   Room 219, Geology Building   Pressure-gradient forces and viscous forces derived from tensors (new)  Lecture  
05.05.2008Jan Erik Weber   Room 219, Geology Building   Repetition (gravity waves)  Lecture  
07.05.2008Jan Erik Weber   Room 219, Geology Building   Handout of Obligatory Execise No 4 (on the net as well). Also a short power point presentation: Drift of an inextensible sheet caused by surface waves (theory & experiments)  We then walk together to the Hydrodynamic Laboratory (N.H. Abels Hus) to watch laboratory demonstration of gravity waves in a wave tank 
14.05.2008No lectures in week 20, 21 and 23. In week 22, repetition lecture on May 28. Exercises as usual on Thursdays       
22.05.2008Eivind Støylen  Aud. 1, Geology Building   Exercise   Submission of Obligatory Exercise No 4  
28.05.2008Jan Erik Weber   Room 219, Geology Building   General repetition from Lecture Note   Lecture, questions, etc.  
06.06.2008Exam GEF2500      Good luck! 
Publisert 29. jan. 2009 13:45