Beskjeder - Side 2

Publisert 1. sep. 2015 09:23

Last group session we decided to meet every second week. Next group session will be on Friday 11th of Sept. Please hand in Problems 1.1-1.5 to Joe during class this week or leave them in my shelf (next to the printers at MetOs) by Friday, September 4. You can write the answers either in English or Norwegian. 


Publisert 20. aug. 2015 14:25

On Friday the 28th of August (i.e. tomorrow!)  we'll have our first group session. I hope all of you can make it. The first part of the class, we'll discuss how to organize the group sessions since you have quite a diverse background. After that we'll discuss Problem set 1 (which is not the same as the exercises you'll hand in). Some of you have seen these exercises before. That is fine. You may leave before we start with the problem set, but please come for the first part of the class. 

You can find the first problem set here:

Please try to solve the problem set before Friday :)


Publisert 20. aug. 2015 10:03

Do problems 1.1-1.5 from the GFD notes (page 28). These will be due at the group session on Friday, September 4.

Publisert 19. aug. 2015 13:21

The first class is today, at 14:15, in Glasshallen 2 in CIENS (in the Research park). I'll go over the organization of the class and some other things, and then start with the lectures. The pensum is Fluid Mechanics by Kundu, Cohen and Dowling and Geophysical Fluid Dynamics by me, via a link on the right. A tentative outline for the course is also available via a link here. Note that both the notes and the outline will probably change during the semester.