
PENSUM FOR MBV 4240 -2004

Fra Molecular Biology og the Cell, Fourth Edition (Alberts, B. et al., eds.) 2002, Garland Science, New York and London.

Membrane Structure (kap. 10), side 581-599 (til: cytosolic side of red cells) (19 sider) og side 608-613 (6 sider).

Intracellular compartments and protein sorting (kap. 12), side 659-662 (til: The topological….) (3sider) side 664 (fra: Proteins can move) -667 (til: most membrane-enclosed organelles) (3 sider) The transport between the nucleus and the cytosol (kap. 12), side 669-674 (til: Transport..) (6 sider). The endoplasmic reticulum (kap. 12), side 689-709 (21 sider)

Intracellular vesicular traffic (kap. 13), 711-766 (56 sider)

How cells read the genome from DNA to protein (kap. 6), The proteasome degrades.., side 358-362 (til: Abnormally folded protein) (4 sider).

Cell communication (kap. 15), The three largest classes of cell-surface receptor..842-848 (til: Cells can respond..) (7 sider) Signalling through G-protein-linked cell-surface receptors, side 852- 865 (some G proteins directly regulate ion channels (13 sider)

The cytoskeleton (kap. 16), side 907-917 (to “Fimament treadmilling..”(10sider), “Filament polymerization can be altered by drugs” s.927- (1side), og Extracellular signals side 947-959 (til: motor protein function can be regulated) (13 sider)

Totalt fra læreboken: 162 sider

Membrane composition (including lipids) and fusion/fission Lipids as targeting signals: Lipid rafts and intracellular trafficking. (Helms, J.B. and Zurzola, C. Traffic vol. 8 (2004) 247-254 (8 sider)).

Transmembrane asymmetry and lateral domains in biological membranes (Devaux, P.F. and Morris, R. Traffic 5 (2004) 241-246 (6 sider)).

PI-loting membrane traffic (M.A. De Matteis and A. Godi, Nature Cell Biol. vol 6 (juni 2004), 487-492 (6 sider)).

Earthworms and lipid couriers (Munro, S. Nature vol 426 (2003) 775-776 (2 sider)).

Mechanisms of membrane deformation (K. Farsad and P. De Camilli, Curr. Opin. Cell Biol. 15 (2003) 372-381, 7 sider).

Molecular motors Molecular motors (M. Schliwa and G. Woehlke, Nature, 422(2003) 759-765, 7 sider)

Endocytosis Regulated portals of entry into the cell (S.D. Conner and S.L. Schmid, Nature 422 (2003) 37-44, 8 sider).

Insider information: What viruses tell us about endocytosis (L. Pelkmans and A. Helenius, Curr. Opin. Cell Biol. 15 (2003) 414-422, 7 sider)

Molecular ticket to enter cells (Oved, S. and Yarden, Y., Nature 416 (2002) 133-136 (4 sider)).

The ubiquitin-dependent endocytosis motif is required for efficient incorporation of growth hormone receptor in clathrin-coated pits, but not clathrin-coated lattices (Sachse, M., et al., J.Cell Sci. 114 (2001) 3943 (1 side)).

Dynamin at the actin-membrane interface (J.D. Orth and M.A. McNiven, Current Opin. Cell Biol. 15 (2003) 31—39, 7 sider).

Adaptable adaptors for coated vesicles (M. Robinson, Trends Cell Biol. vol 14 (2004) 167-174 (8 sider)).

Clathrin-mediated endocytosis: membrane factors pull the trigger (Takei, K. and Haucke, V., Trends Cell Biol. vol 11 (2001) 385-391 (6 sider))

Not just a sink: endosomes in control of signal transduction (M. Miaczunska, L. Pelkmans and M. Zerial, Curr.Opin. Cell Biol. 16 (2004) 400-406 (7 sider)).

Exosomes Exosomes: endosomal-derived vesicles shipping extracellular messages (Benoit Février and Raposo G, Curr. Opin.Cell Biol. vol. 16 (2004) 415-421 (7 sider)).

Endosomal coat proteins and sorting Annexins (Moss, S.E., Trends Cell Biol., vol. 7 (1997) (3 sider).

Controlling the location and activation of Rab GTPases (M.C. Seabra and C. Wasmeier, Curr.Opin.Cell Biol. 16 (2004) 451-457 (7 sider).

Retrograde traffic in the biosynthetic-secretory route: Pathways and machinery (R. Sannerud, J. Saraste and B. Goud, Curr. Opin. Cell Biol. 15 (2003) 438-445 (6 sider).

Protein sorting into multivesicular endosomes (C. Raiborg, T.E. Rusten and H. Stenmark, Curr. Opin. Cell Biol. 15 (2003) 446-455, 8 sider)

GGAing ubiquitin to the endosome (Babst, M., Nature Cell biol. vol (2004) 175-177 (3 sider)).

Endoplasmic reticulum og ER-Golgi transport Structural insight into the protein translocation channel (Clemons, WM, Ménétret, JF, Akey, CW, and Rapoport, TA, Curr.Opin.Struct.Biol. 14 (2004) 390-396 (7 sider))

Peptide presentation by MHC class I molecules (Williams et al. Trends in Cell Biol. vol. 6 (1996) 267-273) (7 sider).

Protein folding and quality control in the endoplasmic reticulum (B. Kleizen and I. Braakman, Curr.Opin.Cell Biol. 16 (2004) 343-348, 7sider)

A channel for protein waste (R. Scheckman, Nature, vol. 429 (2004) 817-818). Signals for COPII-dependent export from the ER: what´s the ticket out? (C. Barlowe, Trends Cell Biol. 13 (2003) 295-300, 5 sider).

Golgi and sorting from the Golgi The Golgi apparatus: Balancing new with old (B. Storrie and T. Nilsson, Traffic 3 (2002) 521-529 (9 sider)).

Localization of proteins to the Golgi apparatus (S. Munro, Trends Cell Biol., vol. 8 (1998), 11-15) (5 sider).

Golgins in the structure and dynamics of the Golgi apparatus (F.A. Barr and B. Short, Curr. Opin. Cell Biol. 15 (2003) 405-413, 7 sider).

Glycans in post-Golgi apical targeting: sorting signals or structural props? (Rodriguez-Boulan and Gonzalez, Trends in Cell Biol. vol 9 (1999)291-294) (4 sider).

Unravelling protein sorting (W.J. Nelson and E. Rodiriguez-Boulan, Nature Cell Biol. vol 6 (2004) 282-284 (3 sider)).

The MAL proteolipid is necessary for the overall apical delivery of membrane proteins in the polarized epithelial Madin-Darby canine kidney and Fischer rat thyroid cell lines (Martin-Belmonte, F., Puertollano, R., Millán, J. and Alonso, M.A., Mol. Biol. Cell vol 11 (2000) 2033 (1 side)).

New candidates for vesicle coat proteins (M. Roth, Nature Cell Biol., vol. 6 (2004) 384-385 (2 sider)).

Toxins Rho proteins:targets for bacterial toxins (Klaus Aktories, Trends in Microbiol. vol. 282 (1997) 282-288).

Transport of protein toxins into cells: pathways used by ricin, cholera toxin and Shiga toxin (K. Sandvig and B.van Deurs, FEBS letters, 26425 (2002) 1-5 (5 sider).

Publisert 14. sep. 2004 16:57 - Sist endret 14. sep. 2004 17:14