Avklaringer på oblig 2

In the first part of oblig 2 oppgave 5, the components table lists two 4.7 kOhm resistors, but only one is needed. Please excuse us for the typo.

Some more clarifications regarding the same part:

  • The LED should be wired in parallel with the potentiometer.
  • The output pin of the potentiometer (the pin located opposite the other two pins) should be wired to ground; otherwise the resistance remains constant.
  • You can vary the potentiometer resistance by attaching a knob with an arrow on top (included in the kit) to the potentiometer and turning it.
  • Varying the resistance should turn the LED on and off.
Publisert 20. feb. 2023 16:28 - Sist endret 20. feb. 2023 16:28