Lecture material lecture 6 uploaded

Lecture 6 video and materials uploaded.

Lecture uke06 video and uke6 materials

There is also a synchronization sketch - one that I did last year and would have liked to do this year also, but, alas, it requires physical presence. Instead, you got the Lego version (see lecture video first hour) based on the Trains in the Andes Mountains -- which is from a book by Holt

I have published the 2021 version of the description of the sketch: I challenge you to answer the questions in the sketch!

At least read it - and bring it to the next exercise class.

-- Eric

Holt, Richard C (1982). Concurrent Euclid, the Unix System and TUNIS. Addison Wesley. ISBN 978-0-201-10694-7.


Published Feb. 19, 2021 12:50 PM - Last modified Feb. 19, 2021 5:25 PM