
    Mandatory assignments

    Name Publish date Deadline Resources Points IN3110 + bonus points Points IN4110 + bonus points
    Assignment 1 Wed, Aug 21th Fri, Aug 30th, 23:59 PDF 5 5
    Assignment 2 Wed, Aug 28th Wed, Sep 4th, 23:59 PDF 10 10
    Assignment 3 Wed, Sep 4th Wed, Sep 11th, 23:59 PDF, complex.py 15 15
    Assignment 4 Wed, Sep 11th

    Wed, Oct 2nd, 23:59

    PDF, beatles.jpg, haarcascade_frontalface_default.xml 30+5 40+5
    Peer-review of assignment 4 Wed, Oct 2nd

    Wed, Oct 9th, 23:59

    PDF 10 10
    Assignment 5 Wed, Oct 9th

    Wed, Oct 30th, 23:59

    PDF, hello.ny, naython.syntax, naython.theme, naython2.theme, coloring_example.py 30+15 40+5
    Peer-review of assignment 5 Wed, Oct 30th

    Wed, Nov 6th, 23:59

    PDF 10 10
    Assignment 6 Wed, Nov 6th

    Wed, Nov 27th, 23:59

    PDF, diabetes.csv




    Peer-review of assignment 6 Wed, Nov 27th

    Wed, Dec 4th, 23:59

    PDF 10 10

    In case of sickness you can request a 3 day (or 7 days for exceptional cases) extension using this link.

    Group session exercises

    Week starting on the 25th August:, PDF

    Week starting on the 2nd September:, PDF

    Week starting on the 9th September:, PDF

    Week starting on the 16th September:, PDF

    Week starting on the 23rd September:, PDF

    Week starting on the 30th September:, PDF

    Week starting on the 14th October:, PDF

    Week starting on the 21st October:, PDF


    Grading system 

    • IN4110 will have some additional exercises over IN3110.
    • IN3110: The total number of points will be 150 (plus 30 bonus points). The course is passed with a minimum of 120 points.
    • INF4110: The total number of points will be 180 (plus 10 bonus points). The course is passed with a minimum of 150 points.
    • Assignments 4, 5 and 6 are peer-reviewed. 
    • Your points are visible on devilry.ifi.uio.no.
    • We aim to correct the assignments 2 weeks after the delivery (for assignments 4, 5 and 6: two weeks after the peer-review).
    Publisert 19. aug. 2019 16:44 - Sist endret 17. aug. 2020 19:18