Welcome to IN3130.

The purpose of this course is to give you an understanding of some of the hardest problems that we know about in computer science (even what we cannot solve) and get a feeling for how we can reasonable try to solve some versions of them. Throughout the course you will work both with some formal computer models (though we will not be too formal) and practical implementation of relevant algorithms.

The course will have weekly lectures and exercises. The lectures will mainly be held by me (Michael Kirkedal Thomsen) and Petter Kristensen (external lecture from FFI), but there will also be some guest lectures through the course. You will be in good hands with Mathias Storvik as TA of the exercises.

We will have an online forum, though I do not know the link for this yet. That will be posted later.

There will be three Assignments (Obliger) during the semester. These must be passed to quality for the exam.

The exam will be an oral test; date(s) to be found later. There is no preparation time on the day, but you will have the questions about two weeks before the exam.

If you have any other questions, you are welcome write to me or come by my office on the 10'th floor.

Looking forward to see you all on Tuesday.


Publisert 19. aug. 2023 08:18 - Sist endret 19. aug. 2023 08:18