Discourse for IN5060

Hi All,

An Discourse category has been created for IN5060 H23. The instruction page implies that the next step is yours, following the steps below. Would you try and let us know if this work?

"The course manager has created a discussion room (Discourse room) for this course. You can access the discussion room by clicking on this link. The first time you access Discourse through the link, you will be asked to log in with FEIDE. This is done with your regular UiO user. After you have completed this, you will be notified that your Discourse user has been created and that you have received an email to verify your user. If you don't see the email, check your spam folder, After activation it will take a few minutes before you can access the discussion room."

Publisert 14. sep. 2023 09:35 - Sist endret 14. sep. 2023 09:35