
Published Nov. 30, 2021 6:03 PM

Dear all,

The final exam machine is uploaded in a password protected zip in Teams under Exam/Final exam. You will also find a README.pdf. Make sure you read it line by line and follow the instructions inside!

Good luck with the preparation

Published Sep. 29, 2021 10:09 PM

Disclosure of exam assignment: October 14 at 10:00 AM

Submission deadline: October 20 at 23:59 AM

  • Examination system: Inspera + Teams
  • A password protected zip file will be provided in MS Teams which is uploaded on the 12th of October after the lecture.
  • The password will be available in (update: Teams) at the time of the disclosure in the Exam/home exam folder. The steps made during solving the task should be documented with a detailed explanation and screenshots, and uploaded in Inspera as a pdf before the deadline.
  • The task will be similar to Workshop 2 and 3: get root level access using the steps and techniques discussed in the lectures and workshops.
  • The task must be solved individually.
  • More information about the home exam will be provided on the 14th of October during the morning lecture.
Published Sep. 20, 2021 3:08 PM

As mentioned in the first lecture slides:

  • Questions can be asked in Teams
  • or in email using your uio mail address
  • to:tamasbi at (you will not get a fast answer here so use teams)

Emails from hotmail, yahoo etc. addresses will not be answered.


Published Aug. 30, 2021 8:40 PM

Due to issues with recording in Teams, we are moving back to Zoom when it comes to the live lectures. The materials and recorded lectures will be still uploaded to Teams.

The standard link for lecture meetings from now on is:

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 647 9165 3310

Published Aug. 24, 2021 1:04 PM

For the rest of the semester we are going to transition to MS Teams. If you are registered for the course, you are already added to the group. Log in to MS Teams using your UiO credentials, and you will find the first lecture and the guide how to install the tools we will use under Lecture/Files and Guides/Files.

Published Aug. 21, 2021 2:33 PM

The first lecture will be on zoom: Tuesday, 24th of August, starting at 8:15. Subsequent lectures will be on MS Teams. Information on how to get access to course material during the semester will be discusses during the first lecture. Make sure you are signed in to zoom when joining.

Zoom address:

  • Documentation on how to use Zoom can be found here:

For unquiries use your uio mail with subject IN5290-Autumn.


Published Aug. 18, 2021 9:40 PM

This is an introductory course meaning, previous knowledge in the field of ethical hacking is not required. Basic knowledge in bash is beneficial but the first few lectures will cover the basics. Previous knowledge about basic networking is more important. Still the course can be taken in the first semester, only it might take more work to learn the basics for those without the recommended background. 

For students doing a long thesis and planning to select a thesis topic in this domain, it is important to take the course early on.

All lectures will be recorded and uploaded, the course can be taken remotely.