
Publisert 21. mai 2019 14:40

Because the course and all material is in English, the exam text will only be in English. You can submit your answers in English or Norwegian.

Publisert 15. mai 2019 13:08


May 15: Remember the lecture on Ethics

May 22: Repetition of requested topics - email your requests!!

Publisert 6. apr. 2019 14:57

Mandatory exercise 2 is now available. 

The MS coco dataset is unfortunately not available at the IFI computer currently (will be fixed). However, you will be able to complete all the programming tasks.

Deadline: May 3 at 23:59

Publisert 11. mars 2019 09:56

Message from USIT: GPU 2 on ML1 is broken. Avoid using it until it has been replaced (replacement is being scheduled).

Publisert 11. mars 2019 09:55

A reminder that we have a course page on piazza, at

Publisert 6. feb. 2019 17:38

zipfile with exercise

Deadline: March 6.

Publisert 6. feb. 2019 12:47

See Time schedule

Publisert 28. jan. 2019 08:18

Wednesday January 30 at 9.00 registration opens for 5 new students.



Publisert 23. jan. 2019 12:57

Update: Tuesday will be in Modula after all, please disregard the previous message about change of room

Best regards,
The Administration IFI

Publisert 16. jan. 2019 10:08

First lecture 16.1 will be in Aud. Simula.

The course is full. If you want to attend the lectures without being a registered student in the course, check the room. If Simula, we have some space during lectures. But if Lille Aud, it will be too crowded.

Publisert 14. jan. 2019 09:43

First lecture is Wednesday January 16. First group session is Thursday January 17.
Exercise and lecture notes for the first week will be uploaded no later than Wednesday. 
Note a change of room for the first lecture: room Simula.

Publisert 14. des. 2018 14:35

Welcome to IN 5400! To use this course to dive into deep learning you need a good background both in Python and matrix operations and computing derivatives.
We cover a lot of topics, but it is not easy points. You need to prepare to spend quite some time at this course.
If uncertain about your background, contant or ask us at the first lecture.