
Published June 28, 2022 10:40 PM

You can find solution hints to the exam here. Grading is done and should become available to you soon. Thank you for following the course!

Published June 8, 2022 11:10 PM

During the exam, course lecturers will be in a Zoom session to answer questions about the exam. When you join the Zoom session, you will be placed in a waiting room and admitted to the meeting room with course lecturers when there are no other students in the meeting room. In the meeting room, you should ask questions orally, and we will reply orally. We will start admitting students at 10.00 AM and end the session no earlier than 10:30 AM, but possibly later because we will leave the session only when there are no more questions (including none in the waiting room). Please look through the exercise set before this to identify all your questions. The link to the Zoom session is:

Topic: IN5400/IN9400 exam
Time: Jun 14, 2022 10:00 AM Oslo

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 697 4324 2184
Passcode: 726532

If you suspect an error in an exercise, you can also email us.

Published June 8, 2022 2:57 PM

The exam cover page is now available here. Read it please carefully. Note that you get 30 minutes extra time beyond the 4 hours exam time to scan drawings and to upload the PDF with drawings.

We recommend all to have a reserve computer available during the exam, and that you before the exam ensure that both the primary and the reserve computer has Internet access, Zoom installed, and whatever you need or want to use during the exam.

Published May 5, 2022 10:56 PM

Previous exam exercises are available here with associated solution hints available here. Kindly note that while they can give you an idea of how an exam could look like, a lot can vary from year to year, including the number of exercises on each topic and which topics get more difficult exercises.

Tip: Try to solve an exercise set as if it was your exam (including an attempt to finish on time and not look at the solution hints). That will often give you a better idea of what you should work more on and how to distribute the limited time available on an exam. Remember that you normally need only brief answers and that it often provides a much better total score to distribute the time so that you get to answer all subtasks.

Published Apr. 5, 2022 6:16 PM

After receiving very valuable feedback from some students, we've updated mandatory 2. This update fixes:

  1. A bug in the code: extra line in for loop in the 2 forward passes
  2. PDF to clarify things better, fix deliverables, fix task4 description, etc.
Published Mar. 30, 2022 11:52 AM

Mandatory 2 has been updated and now includes pycocoevalcap package in the root directory. This should enable you to run the code without installing pycocoevalcap. Good luck with the mandatory.

Published Mar. 29, 2022 11:21 AM

Mandatory exercise 2 is now released. You can download it here. Please note that the mandatory exercise is individual work. Each student should deliver an individual written report and code, both of which needs to be the student's own. Do not copy other student's report or code, nor write code for each other. ...

Published Mar. 5, 2022 1:42 PM

Please use Devilry to submit the zip file with your solution to mandatory exercise 1. The deadline is Wednesday 9th of March at 11:59 PM.

Published Feb. 23, 2022 3:03 PM

Mandatory exercise 1 was released yesterday. You can download it here. Please note that the mandatory exercise is an individual work. Each student should deliver an individual written report and code, both of which needs to be the student's own. Do not copy other student's report or code, nor write code for each other. Include references if you use external sources. Plagiarism on mandatory exercises can have severe consequenses for the students. You are required to read the regulations at:

Published Jan. 18, 2022 10:14 AM

Topic: IN5400/IN9400 first lecture

Time: Jan 18, 2022 14:15 Oslo time

Join Zoom Meeting

Passcode: 732848

Meeting ID: 695 8533 8483

Published Dec. 20, 2021 5:10 PM

The first lecture will be held on Tuesday the 18th of January, 14:15-16:00. The lecture will be digital. A link to the Zoom session will be distributed shortly before the lecture, typically the day before. The group sessions will start the following week. The lecture and the group sessions this second week will be digital, but we aim to provide some physical sessions when possible.