Teaching Plan

Dato Undervises av Sted Tema Kommentarer / ressurser

Industry Guest Lecture by

Kristin Lucie Munthe

Senior Vice Present, Statnett



Yan Zhang

Professor, University of Oslo

Digital teaching via Zoom:

Please click this link to Zoom meeting room 

Meeting ID: 661 5711 8103

Passcode: 123456

Power Market: The Green revolution and the role of ICT





Introduction to the Course

Energy Informatics: overview






Introduction to the Course

Energy Informatics: overview

VIDEO: Introduction to the Course and Energy Informatics: overview


Sabita Maharjan

Associtate Professor, University of Oslo


Invited Guest Lecture by

Øystein Ulleberg

Principal Research Scientist, Institute for Energy Technology (IFE)

Associate Professor, University of Oslo

Director, MoZEES Research Center

Digital teaching via Zoom:

Please click this link to Zoom meeting room 

Meeting ID: 686 8166 8688

Passcode: 451034

Energy Informatics: overview (II)




Renewable Energy Systems


Slides- Energy Informatics Overview II


Slides- Guest Lecture


Energy Informatics Overview II

Guest Lecture Part 1

Guest Lecture Part 2



Sabita Maharjan

Associtate Professor, University of Oslo




Digital teaching via Zoom:

Please click this link to Zoom meeting room 

Meeting ID: 686 8166 8688

Passcode: 451034


Demand Response Management







Slides - Demand Response Management


Demand Response Management


Sabita Maharjan

Associtate Professor, University of Oslo



Invited Guest Lecture

Matin Bagherpour, Senior Algorithm Design Expert, Nord Pool

Associate Professor, University of Oslo



Digital teaching via Zoom:

Please click this link to Zoom meeting room 

Meeting ID: 686 8166 8688

Passcode: 451034

Energy Market and Game Theory

Information about group work and project assignments





Market Power in Electricity Markets

Please see the link below for more information about Nord Pool: https://www.nordpoolgroup.com/


Slides- Energy Market and Game Theory

Slides- Guest Lecture


Energy Market and Game Theory

Guest Lecture

Info about dates for the final exam and group formation for the mandatory assignments


Sabita Maharjan

Associtate Professor, University of Oslo


Industry Guest Lecture by

Tor Kristian Gyland

CEO (Chief Executive Officer), Green Mountain

Digital teaching via Zoom:

Please click this link to Zoom meeting room 

Meeting ID: 686 8166 8688

Passcode: 451034

Green Data Center




Green Mountain: industry perspective in designing and operating green datacenter


Note: a brief introduction can be found at:


Slides - Green Data Center



Green Data Centers


Industry Guest Lecture by

Espen Kåsin,  VP Services and Software, Embriq

Asle Jåsund, Senior Consultant, Embriq


Sabita Maharjan

Associtate Professor, University of Oslo

Digital teaching via Zoom:

Please click this link to Zoom meeting room 

Meeting ID: 686 8166 8688

Passcode: 451034



Digital Energy




Cloud/Fog Computing for Smart Grid



Digital Energy


Slides - Cloud/Fog Computing for Smart Grid


Cloud/Fog Computing for Smart Grid


Invited Guest Lecture by,

Frida Berglund, Consultant, Energy Markets & Strategy, DNV





Yan Zhang

Professor, University of Oslo


Physical teaching Seminar Room: Shell

Digital teaching via Zoom:

Please click this link to Zoom meeting room 

Meeting ID: 661 5711 8103

Passcode: 123456

Blockchain Technology and its Application in Energy Systems






Blockchain for Smart Grid



- cancelled-






Slides: Blockchain for Smart Grid


Video: Blockchain for Smart Grid


Yan Zhang

Professor, University of Oslo



Invited Guest Lecture by

Janne Hagen, Special advisor (PhD); Contingency planning; Supervision and Contingency Planning,


Physical teaching Seminar Room: Shell

Digital teaching via Zoom:

Please click this link to Zoom meeting room 

Meeting ID: 661 5711 8103

Passcode: 123456

Smart Grid Privacy and Security




Digital Security for Smart Grid







Slides: Smart Grid Privacy and Security

Video: Smart Grid Privacy and Security



Video: NVE guest talk


Yan Zhang

Professor, University of Oslo



Industry Guest Lecture by

Audun Tysnes

Data Scientist, VOLUE (originally Powel)


Boris Tistan

Group Manager AI, VOLUE (originally Powel)

Physical teaching Seminar Room: Shell

Digital teaching via Zoom:

Please click this link to Zoom meeting room 

Meeting ID: 661 5711 8103

Passcode: 123456

Machine Learning for Renewable Energy Forecasting (e.g., Linear regression, KNN, SVM)





Building AI into Scalable Software in Smart Energy Systems



Slide: Machine Learning for Renewable Energy Forecasting


Video: Machine Learning for Renewable Energy Forecasting



- industry talk cancelled-


Yan Zhang

Professor, University of Oslo



Invited Guest Lecture

Christopher Coello,

Senior Data & ML Scientist, HAGAL

Kjetil Thøgersen

Senior Data Scientist, Hagal AS; Researcher at the Njord Centre, Department of Physics, University of Oslo


Physical teaching Seminar Room: Shell

Digital teaching via Zoom:

Please click this link to Zoom meeting room 

Meeting ID: 661 5711 8103

Passcode: 123456

Deep Learning for Renewable Energy Forecasting (e.g., Artificial Neural Networks)




Machine Learning for Battery Technology with Use-case in Smart Grid


Slide: Deep Learning for Renewable Energy Forecasting


Video: Deep Learning for Renewable Energy Forecasting

Note: professor's lecture and guest's lecture are in the same video. Guest's lecture from around 1 hour 10min


Yan Zhang

Professor, University of Oslo



Industry Guest Lecture by

Kristian Flikka, Data Science and Development, BKK

Physical teaching Seminar Room: Shell

Digital teaching via Zoom:

Please click this link to Zoom meeting room 

Meeting ID: 661 5711 8103

Passcode: 123456

Machine Learning for Time Series Data Analysis in Smart Grid (e.g., LR, MLR, ANN, Recurrent Neural Networks)


AI for Time Series Data: an industry perspective



Slide: Machine Learning for Time Series Data Analysis in Smart Grid


Video: Machine Learning for Time Series Data Analysis in Smart Grid

Video: AI for Time Series Data: an industry perspective


Invited Guest Lecture

Hans-Arno Jacobsen

Professor, Technical University of Munich, Germany


Frank Eliassen

Professor, University of Oslo


Yan Zhang

Professor, University of Oslo


Physical teaching Seminar Room: Shell

Digital teaching via Zoom:

Please click this link to Zoom meeting room 

Meeting ID: 661 5711 8103

Passcode: 123456

Research Directions in Energy Informatics





Information about oral exam


Video: invited guest lecture on energy informatics





Slides: oral exam information



Published Nov. 29, 2021 5:05 AM - Last modified Feb. 16, 2024 12:07 PM