Welcome to IN 5470 - Design for Dasein!


Welcome to Design for Dasein. We will start the semester online. Hopefully we can meet in early February.

Our first lecture will be Thursday Jan 20th at 10.15am. The lecture will go for about an hour. It is strongly recommended that students attend. It will be an introductory lecture. I will go over the course outline, the course content, the assessment task, and I will also try to get to know you a bit.

A more detailed schedule and the reading materials will be available shortly. The course outline is posted on the "semester side" under the heading "course outline." 

I look forward to "meeting" you all tomorrow and to working with you this semester!

Click here is the Zoom-link for today (and all other digital lectures throughout the semester if it is needed).


Publisert 19. jan. 2022 19:02 - Sist endret 20. jan. 2022 07:55