Litterature and reference system


Now, all the articles are listed for the three modules.  Note that we have some "mandatory" readings - that all are expected to read/work with.  The rest "optional/additional" is suggestions for further reading if you are interested and have the time;)

It is very smart to use some sort of reference system when writing academic texts, both for the individual reports, the group reports and the master thesis itself.  Many here at IfI choose Zotero for this.

A question:  If someone (a group or individuals) want to get going with managing references, it would be wonderful if you make a group library in Zotero - and share with the others.  We can talk about this next time we meet also.

Good weekend



Publisert 6. sep. 2019 16:12 - Sist endret 6. sep. 2019 16:13