Lecture week 2

Hi everyone!

The schedule for lecture week 2 is now online. In this lecture week, you will fill a large part of the schedule yourselves. Each group will:

1. Have a mid-term presentation of your project progress (max 10 min per group). Here, you will present what you have done so far on your project: Present the problem, your idea, potentially also related work and results if relevant.

2. Present papers related to your problem. Each group of 3 will present 3 papers related to your problem in a 20-minute presentation. (Groups of 2 present 2 papers, groups of 1 present 1 paper, around 7 minutes per paper) You should check the papers you select with your supervisor, and can use the papers suggested for your project here if you want:


You can see in the schedule when your group is scheduled to present. You can find your group number here:

Until then: Good luck on your projects, and remember to keep making some progress every week!

Published Aug. 30, 2019 2:47 PM - Last modified Aug. 30, 2019 2:47 PM