Traffic segmentation project

Overview of weekly notebooks for traffic  sign segmentation

Each week, a notebook with the focus of how to use the lectures algorithms for traffic sign  segmentation will be published.

The weekly notebook will be introduced in a zoom-session Tuesday's at 13.15.

The first zoom session is Tuesday August 25.05 at 13.15. This will only introduce the problem, not provide any solutions. After this, you have one week to work on the problems before we discuss possilbe solutions.


From the week after, the zoom sessions will first discuss solutions to last weeks notebook, then introduce this week's notebook.


Week 4:  From pixels to region Notebook exercise

Week 3: Try Hough-transform for detecting the line segment and for detecting circles in the circular signs. Notebook exercise


Week 2: Trying texture measures to segment out traffic signs:  Notebook exercise
Recommendation: do not spend too long on this, prioritize the weekly exercise in implementing GLCM as they will be needed for Mandatory 1.


Week 1: Applying simple filtering, edge detection, and thresholding. Playing with color channels. Notebook exercise


If you want an introduction to using Jupyter Notebooks, see e.g. this tutorial


Publisert 24. aug. 2020 13:46 - Sist endret 22. sep. 2020 16:14