WNNLP 2019 Presentations

as we hope all teams are making good progress on their submissions, we would like to hear with everyone about the best possible date for the final, short presentations.  so far, we have scheduled WNNLP 2019 for thursday, june 13, i.e. the usual lecture slot.

it turns out, at least one of you will have a hard time presenting their work that day.  hence, we are considering holding the workshop already on tuesday, june 11, at 14:15, i.e. the usual laboratory slot.  the slightly earlier day would be preferable for at least one student and one instructor.

however, at this point we feel we can only reschedule the workshop if the move would not inconvenience anyone.  thus, we tentatively propose holding WNNLP 2019 on tuesday, june 11, but would kindly ask that anyone who would have a conflict that day to email us (in5550-help@ifi.uio.no) before monday next week, may 20.  for the time being, please reserve both slots in your calendars!

Published May 13, 2019 10:47 PM - Last modified May 26, 2019 11:23 AM