Welcome to IN5550

The first lecture in IN5550 this term will be held on Thursday, January 14, at 12:15.  We will go through course logistics (including routines for assignments and the final project-based exam) and motivate the now dominant use of neural architectures in Natural Language Processing (and most other sub-fields of Artificial Intelligence). The first lecture will be virtual (via Zoom) and further details will be provided prior to the lecture on the course web page (this page).

To prepare for this class, we ask that everyone fill in a brief anonymous survey about their background and request access to the Saga national supercluster.

The current plan is for subsequent lectures to be held physically, but screencasts will be made available via the course web page following the lecture. Depending on the corona situation, this may, however, be changed to a fully virtual format. Laboratories will be held virtually, via Zoom, for the duration of the semester. 

Published Jan. 7, 2021 10:02 AM - Last modified Jan. 7, 2021 10:02 AM