WNNLP 2021 reviewing instructions

We are now ready to start the review process for WNNLP 2021. You should have by now received the notification by email. Please login to your Easychair account, which contains a list of papers assigned to you as a reviewer.

Your reviews are due Friday, May 14, 2021 (11:59pm anywhere on Earth).

Note that the 'exam' folder in the course GitHub now contains two sample reviews that you can use for inspiration.

Here are a few guidelines for the review process.

  1. Be timely: Even if you don’t plan to start your reviews as soon as they are assigned, please do log in to Easychair and see which papers you got. This will allow you to notify us of any issues in time for us to reassign the paper. Furthermore, please don’t count on finishing your reviews at the last minute. As we all know, things can come up, and that time you were counting on might not be there. As we coordinate the efforts of approx 25 PC members, it is imperative that everyone be timely.
  2. Be constructive: be sure to state what you find valuable about each paper, even if this is difficult to do. There’s a person on the other end of your review, who has put thought and effort into their paper. Your suggestions for improvement will be better received if the author can also see that you understood what they were trying to do. Normative statements (e.g. “insufficient evaluation”) are much more valuable to both authors and chairs when there are supporting explanations, so include them.
  3. Be thorough: Read your papers carefully and provide detailed comments. Ultimately, your comments will be more helpful, both to the chairs and to the authors, than the numerical score. So please comment on each of the spotted issues in the text of your review.
  4. Editing: Electronic reviews can be edited. Previously completed reviews can be updated at any time, until the final reports are generated.

Thank you very much for agreeing to review for WNNLP; we hope it will be a pleasant experience for all!

Best, WNNLP 2021 PC chairs

Published May 10, 2021 4:00 PM - Last modified May 10, 2021 4:01 PM