Lecture F3 IN5570 2019-02-07 PostScript 14.15 - 16 Agenda: see whiteboard picture Distribution in Emerald: - locate primitive - Nodes explained - move: fast but not required - fix: slow but transactional so fails, if not doable - refix, unfix Immutable objects: - reference to Liskov's original CLU article from 1972 - immutable objects in Emerald explained Example program: kilroy.m see kilroy.txt shown Planetlab described - please sign up for planetlab Europe USE University of Copenhagen, DIKU!! - see signup instructions on course web site Concurrency: Process concept - think thread Monitors: Original Tony Hoare Monitors explained Example program: hiho.m see hiho.txt explained Oblig 1 introduced - cyclic barrier - producer-consumer explained - kilroy.m on Planetlab Evaluation, see whiteboard picture.