Teaching plan

DateTeacherPlaceTopicLecture notes / comments
20.08.2008Thomas Plagemann & Otto Anshus  Store aud  Evaluation, intro & overview    
21.08.2008Otto Anshus   Store aud  Protection & system calls   
27.08.2008Otto Anshus  Store aud  Structure, processes & threads   
28.08.2008Otto Anshus   Store aud  Nonpreemptive scheduling   
03.09.2008Thomas Plagemann  Store aud  Threads & mutex   
04.09.2008Thomas Plagemann  Store aud  Preemptive scheduling & mutex   
10.09.2008Otto Anshus  Store aud  Semaphores & event counters 
  • Slides: Semaphores
  • 2.3.4 (sleep & wakeup), 2.3.5 (semaphores)
  • Project deadline: P1b
  • Project start: P2
11.09.2008Otto Anshus  Store aud  Semaphores & monitors   
17.09.2008Knut Omang  Store aud   Thread packages 
  • Slides: Thread Packages
  • 2.2 All on threads in MOS and on lecture note
  • Project deadline: P2a
18.09.2008Knut Omang  Store aud   CPU scheduling: Scheduling & RT-scheduling    
24.09.2008  no lecture     
25.09.2008  no lecture     
01.10.2008Tore Larsen  Store aud  Deadlocks 
  • Slides: Deadlocks
  • 3
  • Project deadline: P2b
  • Project start: P3
02.10.2008Tore Larsen  Store aud  Message passing   
08.10.2008Tore Larsen  Store aud  I/O devices & drivers   
09.10.2008Tore Larsen  Store aud  I/O wrap-up, address translation & disks   
15.10.2008Vera Goebel  Store aud  Memory management   
16.10.2008Vera Goebel  Store aud  Paging & VM-design 
  • Slides: Paging
  • 4.4, 4.5, 4.6
  • Project presentation: P4
22.10.2008  no lecture   
  • Project deadline: P4a
23.10.2008  no lecture     
29.10.2008  no lecture     
30.10.2008  no lecture     
05.11.2008Thomas Plagemann  Store aud  Disks 
  • Slides: Disks
  • 5.4, 6.1
  • Project deadline: P4b
  • Project start: P5
06.11.2008Thomas Plagemann  Store aud  File systems 
  • Slides: File Systems
  • 6.2, 6.3, 6.4, 6.5
  • Project presentation: P5
12.11.2008Knut Omang  Store aud  Security   
13.11.2008  no lecture     
19.11.2008  no lecture     
20.11.2008  no lecture     
26.11.2008  no lecture   
  • Project deadline: P5b
  • Project start: P6
27.11.2008  Store aud   
  • Project presentation: P6
03.12.2008  no lecture   
  • Project deadline: P6a
04.12.2008  no lecture     
10.12.2008  no lecture   
  • Project deadline: P6b
11.12.2008  no lecture     
17.12.2008all  Store aud  Competition  The competition starts at 18:00! 
Published July 21, 2008 4:05 PM - Last modified Dec. 17, 2008 3:29 PM