Teaching plan

DateTeacherPlaceTopicLecture notes / comments
25.01.2011Jens Kaasbøll    Introduction. Two ways of teaching use of IT  Textbook chapter 2

Introduction handouts

Spread sheet into document slides

Spread sheet into document handouts

Instruction sheet Open Office

Instruction sheet Office 2007





27.01.2011  3459 Euler  Lecture and discussion  Textbook chapter 2

Slides Training for transfer 

01.02.2011  Chill 3443  Assignment 1. 1st plan  Exercises chapter 2, no 6, 3, 4, 5, 10.

Assignment 1 

03.02.2011  Fortress  Assignment 1  Develop a first plan 
08.02.2011    Subject matter areas  Textbook chapter 4

Slides IT user competence 

10.02.2011    Assignment 1   
15.02.2011    IT concepts  Textbook chapter 5


Slides IT concepts 

17.02.2011    IT concepts   
22.02.2011    Information  Textbook chapter 6

Slides Information Slide design 

24.02.2011    A1  All present first version of Assignment 1. You don't need any assessment method (point 4) at this stage.  
01.03.2011    A1, 2 student presentations + Tasks in work practices  Textbook chapter 7

Slides Use of IT in tasks 

03.03.2011    student presentations    
08.03.2011    Learning to learn  Textbook chapter 8

Mitra et al (2005) Hole in the wall

Mitra (2010) The child-driven education

Slides Learning to learn 

10.03.2011    Material for learning  Textbook chapter 9.3

Handouts Visualisation 

15.03.2011    Video tutorials  Clark (2007) Leveraging multimedia for learning

Styles in MS Word

Table of contents

Freeware tool for making videos with Wink tutorials

Commercial tool

Slides Video tutorials 

17.03.2011      2nd rehersal of Assignment 1 
22.03.2011    Assignment 2. Start  2nd rehersal of Assignment 1

Written group assignment 

24.03.2011    Competence tests  Textbook chapter 10.

European Computer Driving Licence / Datakortet. Tests in English

Educational Testing Service iskills

Certiport through MeasureUp

Tester på norsk → Kandidatsider → Demotester

Slides IT literacy and tests 

29.03.2011    IT literacy. Evaluation of training  Being Fluent with Information Technology

Læreplan i informasjonsteknologi - programfag i studiespesialiserende utdanningsprogram

Grunnleggende ferdigheter for grunnskolen - Å kunne bruke digitale verktøy

Mahapatra and Lai (2005) Evaluating End User Training Programs

Ngoma, Kaasbøll, Aanestad (2008) From user training to in-service support

Slides Evaluation of user training 

31.03.2011    Overview  Slides Overview of learning and teaching

Slides Assignment 1 

05.04.2011    Support  Munkvold (2003) End User Support Usage

van Velsen, Steehouder, de Jong (2007) Evaluation of User Support: Factors That Affect User Satisfaction With Helpdesks and Helplines

Slides Support  

07.04.2011    Roles  Textbook chapter 12

Slides Community of practice - Superusers 

12.03.2011    Software learnability  Shneiderman and Plaisant (2010) Context-sensitive help

Slides Software learnability 

14.04.2011    Organising support  Santhanam, Seligman, Kang (2007) Postimplementation Knowledge Transfers to Users and Information Technology Professionals

Excerpts from Bruton (2002) How to Manage the IT Helpdesk

Slides Organising support 

28.04.2011    A2 guidance   
03.05.2011    A2 guidance   
05.05.2011    A2 guidance   
19.05.2011    A1    
24.05.2011    A1   
Published Jan. 19, 2011 5:25 PM - Last modified May 3, 2011 2:21 PM