#!/usr/bin/env python """implement a very simple calculator, just evaluating Python math""" from Tkinter import * from math import * root = Tk() top = Frame(root); top.pack() Label(top, text='Define f(x):').pack(side='left') # use get and configure to interact with the texts f_entry = Entry(top, width=12) f_entry.pack(side='left') f_entry.insert('end', 'x') Label(top, text=' x =').pack(side='left') x_entry = Entry(top, width=6) x_entry.pack(side='left') x_entry.insert('end', '0') s_label = Label(top, width=9) # holds the func value def calc(event=None): f_txt = f_entry.get() # get function expression as string x = float(x_entry.get()) # define x res = eval(f_txt) # the magic line calculating f(x) global s_label s_label.configure(text='%g' % res) # display f(x) value x_entry.bind('', calc) Button(top, text=' f = ', relief='flat', command=calc).pack(side='left') s_label.pack(side='left') def quit(event=None): root.quit() root.bind('', quit) root.mainloop()