
DatoUndervises avStedTemaKommentarer / ressurser
01.09.2010Asbjørn Berge    Introduction and preliminaries  Lecture notes


08.09.2010Fritz Albregtsen    Features from images I: Texture  Lecture notes

A note on GLCM

Exercise on texture 

15.09.2010Fritz Albregtsen    Cancelled   
22.09.2010Fritz Albregtsen    Region and edge based segmentation  Lecture notes


Repetition of edge detection

Repetition of thresholding 

29.09.2010    No lecture   
06.10.2010Fritz Albregtsen    Object representation  Lecture notes


13.10.2010Fritz Albregtsen    Object descriptors  Lecture notes


20.10.2010Asbjørn Berge    Learning from data. Classification and clustering  Lecture notes


Since LIBSVM does not compile nicely under 64-bit linux at IFI, I have provided a binary version you can access by adding ~inf4300/prdatasets/libsvm to the Matlab path

Please email asbjorb@ifi.uio.no for an updated version of the notes where animations have been expanded.


27.10.2010Asbjørn Berge    Using and exploring data to design classifiers  Lecture notes


03.11.2010Asbjørn Berge    Regularization  Lecture notes


10.11.2010    No Lecture   
17.11.2010Asbjørn Berge    Motion  Lecture notes 
24.11.2010Fritz Albregtsen and Asbjørn Berge    Course summary  Summary FA 
Publisert 14. juli 2010 12:27 - Sist endret 24. nov. 2010 11:46