
Publisert 3. juni 2024 14:23



since one of the rooms had originally not been fixed (due to change of date), here the confirmation. For both 5.June + 11. June, the room is pascal, and each day we start at 10:00.


Everyone concerned should have received an individual email with the concrete time slot (and also the room now).

Publisert 25. mars 2024 13:25


I had sent this beskjed  also on the course’s email-list. The list is supposed to contain all participants registered
for the course. It’s populated somehow automatically (via felles-system, or studentweb, or in some way), but I cannot see who is on the list (and even if, it would be useless, as I don’t have an official list of participants).

Since I got feedback when announcing oblig 1, that at least one participant obviously was not reached by email, I repeat the info also here:

I just want to ask for feedback, where individual group stand, basically a message “we/I am done”.

From a few, I got
that feedback via an email or in person (``I pushed and I am finished with oblig1’'). A few asked for
extension. But for many , I don’t know.

I have not tried to pull the code via git for all the repos’es, and
look for myself to figure out what the status might be....

Publisert 16. jan. 2024 17:48



the platform astro-discourse is now activated


I assume that all participants of the course have access to the topics or "categories" of the course (the astro-discourse platform is "automagically" managed, i.e., people are registered with access somehow based on registration with a course, but I don't know exactly who has access).

Publisert 15. jan. 2024 09:52



welcome to the lecture.  Slides (+ script + handouts) etc. will just be added as PDFs to subdirectrories (not specifically linked into individual lectures in the schedule). Those subdirectories show up as tabs to the right of the lectures web-page. The slides and the scripts are numbers reflecting the "chapter" they cover (but some will take more than just one lecture or week for presentation).


Information about obligs will also (partly) displayed here, but also (later) on a github-repository.