
DatoUndervises avStedTemaKommentarer / ressurser
25.01.2011Tone   Postscript - moved to Pascal OJDs hus  introduction to the course   
01.02.2011Alex Read   Postscript - moved to Pascal OJDs hus  distributed work  guest lecture

Additionals: Grudin (1994) 

08.02.2011Sisse Finken  Postscript OJDs hus  complexities of cooperative work  Mandatory: Heath & Luff (1991)

Bowers et al. (1995)



15.02.2011Tone  Postscript OJDs hus  understanding cooperative work  Mandatory: Schmidt & Bannon (1992)

Gasser (1986)

Additional: Carstensen & Sørensen (1996)

Carstensen & Schmidt (1999) 

22.02.2011    no lecture  exercise: write or draw something together over distance 
01.03.2011Tone  Postscript OJDs hus  cscw in health care   Mandatory: Berg (1997)

Fitzpatrick (2004)


Star (2010), Callon (1986), Law (1992), Star & Ruhleder (1994) 

08.03.2011Tone  Postscript OJDs hus  cscw in health care 2  Mandatory: Bardram (1998)

Aanestad (2003)

Additionals: Engeström (1999), Hasu & Engeström (2000), Miettinen (1997, 1999) 

15.03.2011Tone  Postscript OJDs hus  cyber infrastructures (eSience)  Mandatory: Ribes & Lee (2010),

Olivier & Pinkward (2007)

Additionals: Bietz et al (2010), Cohen et al. (2000)


22.03.2011Tone  Postscript OJDs hus  IT work as cooperative work  Mandatory: Grinter (2003),

Maquil et al (2007)

Additionals: Grinter (1998); Dittrich et al (2009); Bratteteig & Wagner (2010) 

29.03.2011Tone  Postscript OJDs hust   global work  Mandatory: Herbsleb et al. (2000)

O'Day et al. (2001)

Additionals: Hinds & Mortensen (2005); Ehrlich & Chang (2006) 

05.04.2011Tone  Postscript OJDs hus  mobile work  Mandatory: Belotti & Bly (1996)

Luff & Heath (1998)

Additionals: Kristoffersen & Ljungberg (1999)

Midterm: Turn in a draft of your report (5-10 pages) Send to tone@ifi.uio.no


12.04.2011Tone  Postscript OJDs hus  pervasive technology  Mandatory: Jiang et al (2004),

Brown, B. & M. Bell (2004)

Additionals: Klann (2009), Ciolfi & Bannon (2007) 

19.04.2011    no lecture...  Easter holiday 
26.04.2011Tone  Postscript OJDs hust   transforming work practices  Mandatory: Orlikowski (1992)

Engeström (2001)


03.05.2011Tone  Postscript OJDs hus  designing cscw  Mandatory: Grudin (1994)

Robinson (1993)

Additionals: Kyng (2000)


10.05.2011Tone  Postscript OJDs hus  cscw and management  Mandatory: Perin (1991)

Bowers (1994)

Additionals:Flores et al (1988) 

24.05.2011no class   
31.05.2011Tone  Postscript OJDs hust  summary and hints for exam   
01.06.2011hand in your report  Turn in your final reports before 3 PM. Send to tone@ifi.uio.no

The submitted assignemts are not to exceed 15 pages, including table of content and biography (excl. appendix) + they should be set in Times New Roman 12, 1.5 spacing. The reports have to be approved before you can attend the exam. 

07.06.2011Tone + external examiner Sisse Finken  meeting room 7160, 7th floor  oral exam  12.00-12.30: Anders

12.40-13.10: Lill

13.20-13.50: Emilija

14.00-14.45: Nima (PhD)

15.00-15.39: Abdi

15.40-16.20: Daniel

16.30-17.00: Ola

Letter-grade system (A - F) (bokstavkarakter) 

Publisert 15. nov. 2010 22:40 - Sist endret 31. mai 2011 12:57