
Publisert 26. nov. 2015 15:10
Publisert 17. nov. 2015 15:18

There will be no more group sessions in this course, but if any of you have questions regarding the course, exam, literature etc, you can send me an email. I will publish the questions and answers on the course page consecutively, so all of you have access to the same information. All the questions will be anonymous.

Publisert 11. nov. 2015 09:28

All the project reports are now published in the folder called project reports in the menu to the left.

Publisert 31. okt. 2015 13:25

It is important that the presentation do not exceed 10 minutes, since there are 8-9 groups that are going to present within 2 hours. 

Publisert 15. okt. 2015 10:09

The report must be submitted via devilry and not email. Unfortunately, the department of informatics will not accept assignments delivered by email. 

Publisert 7. sep. 2015 13:13

Group sessions September 18th and October 30th will be held in seminar room Java

Publisert 1. sep. 2015 13:48

There is now published a document with guidelines for the article presentations.

Publisert 24. aug. 2015 16:01

It is important to come to the first group session, since the groups for group work will be formed. The plan for article presentation will also be made.