peer review of mid term reports


We encourage you to read and comment on other mid term reports in order to learn from the each other.

Since some projects are in English and some in Norwegian; we suggest the following scheme:

Care tracking give comment to Hands up

Hands up give comments to Paddle Foot

Paddle foot give comments to Care tracking

Game of fitness give comments to Handlenett

Handlenett give comments to When user move...

When user move...give commets to XCS smart

XCS smart give comments to Game of fitness


One way to give comments is to:

1. Write a couple of sentences in your own words what the project is about.

2. Describe 3+ positive comments, i.e. what you like and why you like it - and what you would like to see more of.

3. Describe 3+ critical comments, i.e. what you suggest could be done to improve the report/project.

If you want to give feedback to more than one other project, you are of course welcome to do so.

The feedback is to be provided before Friday 21 November.

Tip: Each group could use the "shut up and write" way for 30 minutes individually - and then combine your notes into a comment document that you upload to the appropriate folder for about 30 minutes.  This means you will spend one hour on this activity in total.

Good luck

Jo and Hani

Published Oct. 14, 2016 2:00 PM