Teaching plan

Date Teacher Place Topic Lecture notes / comments
20.01.2015 Roar Skogstrøm Postscript

INF5430 course presentation.

Digital Arithmetic HW Design 1

Israel Koren: Computer Arithmetic Algorithms. Lecture slides
21.01.2015 Roar Skogstrøm Logo  SystemVerilog 1 Introduction to SystemVerilog. Lecture slides
27.01.2015 Roar Skogstrøm Postscript

Digital Arithmetic HW Design 2 and lab1 presentation.

Israel Koren: Computer Arithmetic Algorithms. Lecture slides. lab1 with submission deadline February 23'th 2015 is here. Write-Only-Memory (WOM) datasheet (joke!!).
28.01.2015 Roar Skogstrøm Perl SystemVerilog 2 SystemVerilog for Verification chapter 1 and start with chapter 2. Lecture slides are here and videos are here.
03.02.2015 Roar Skogstrøm Postscript

Digital Arithmetic HW Design 3

Israel Koren: Computer Arithmetic Algorithms. Lecture slides
04.02.2015 Roar Skogstrøm Perl SystemVerilog 3

SystemVerilog for Verification continue with chapter 2 and chapter 3. Videos are here.

10.02.2015 Roar Skogstrøm Postscript Digital Arithmetic HW Design 4 Integer division arithmetic. Lecture slides
11.02.2015 Jørgen Norendal Perl

Digital HW design 1.

Sequential circuit design and Register Transfer Methodology: Principle P.P. Chu chapter 9.1-3 and 9.5. Slides and Videos
17.02.2015 Jørgen Norendal Postscript Digital HW design 2. Register Transfer Methodology: Principle P.P.Chu chapter 11 and 12.1-5. Slides and Videos
18.02.2015 Roar Skogstrøm Perl SystemVerilog 4

SystemVerilog for Verification Chapter 4 and 5 (video selfstudy!!). Lecture slides are here and chapter 5 video is here.

Complete solutions to all end of chapter exercises in the book are here .

Some SystemVerilog questions and answers are here .

SystemVerilog for design reference books are here (NOT part of the curriculum).

24.02.2015 Jørgen Norendal Postscript Digital HW design 3. Lab2 presentation. Clock and synchronization. P.P.Chu chapter 16.5-11. Slides and Videos.  lab2 with submission deadline March 23'th 2015 is here.
25.02.2015 Roar Skogstrøm Perl SystemVerilog 5.

SystemVerilog for Verification chapter 7. Lecture slides are here.

03.03.2015 Jørgen Norendal Postscript Low Power HW Design 1 Jan Rabaey: Low Power Design Essentials chapter 1, 3, 4 and 5 Slides.
04.03.2015       AVLYST
10.03.2015 Jørgen Norendal Postscript Low Power HW Design 2 Jan Rabaey: Low Power Design Essentials chapter 6, 8, 10, 12. Slides and article from EETimes. Video fra Xilinx: "FPGA Power Management HDL Coding Techniques".

Espen Tallaksen and

Alexander Wold

Perl VHDL Testbench Design 1 Making good testbenches with Bitvis Utility Library; Lecture slides  (www.bitvis.no).
17.03.2015 Roar Skogstrøm Postscript SystemVerilog 6 SystemVerilog for Verification chapter 8 and 10. Lecture slides are here.
18.03.2015 Roar Skogstrøm Perl VHDL Testbench Design 2 Command driven VHDL testbenches  Lecture slides . P.J.Ashenden: The Designers Guide to VHDL; Chapter 17 (17.1-2). A complete example of a command driven testbench is here and with slides here. The example is NOT part of the curriculum.
25.03.2015 Roar Skogstrøm Perl SystemVerilog 7. Lab3 presentation. SystemVerilog for Verification chapter 6. Lecture slides are here.  Lab3 with submission deadline April 22'th 2015 is here.
08.04.2015 Alexander Wold Perl High Level Synthesis Slides here
14.04.2015 Alexander Wold Postscript Partial Reconfiguration 1 Slides here
15.04.2015 Roar Skogstrøm Perl SystemVerilog 8.  Lab4 presentation. SystemVerilog for Verification chapter 9. Lecture slides are here. Lab4 with submission deadline May 20'th 2015 is here.
21.04.2015       AVLYST
22.04.2015 Roar Skogstrøm Perl SystemVerilog Universal Verification Methodology (UVM) SystemVerilog UVM slides and MPEG4 files are here (304 MByte!)
19.05.2015 Jørgen  Norendal,  Alexander Wold og Roar Skogstrøm. Postscript; kl.10:15-12.   Q&A


Published Jan. 9, 2015 6:14 PM - Last modified May 20, 2015 3:39 PM