MT syllabus details

Slides from lectures

Assignments and  exercices

Jurafsky & Martin

Ch. 25, sections 25.0-25.9

Koehn: Statistical Machine Translation

Ch. 1

Ch. 2

  • Sec 2.1.1
  • Sec 2.3

Ch. 4, except

  • The technical details of sec 4.2.4
  • The training of model 2, sec. 4.4.1
  • The details of formula 4.33
  • The technical details of sec. 4.4.4 and 4.4.5. You only need to have a rough idea of how these models differ from model 3

Ch. 5, except

  • The technical details of sec. 5.3.3-5.3.6
  • Sec. 5.5

Ch. 6, except

  • Sec. 6.4

Ch. 7, only

  • Pages 181-185
  • Sec. 7.2 up to 7.2.2

Ch. 8, except

  • Sec. 8.3

Ch. 9, only

  • Sec. 9.2, except 9.2.4
  • Sec. 9.3 up to "finding threshold points", p. 266

Ch. 10, only

  • Sec. 10.0
  • Sec. 10.1.1 and 10.1.2
  • Sec. 10.2

Assumed background knowledge

Ch. 2, except

  • Sec 2.2.2

Ch. 3

  • Sec. 3.2

Slides on probability

Published Nov. 24, 2016 5:42 PM - Last modified Nov. 24, 2016 5:42 PM