
Welcome to INF5830 2015. The content will be similar to the 2013 version, but with some updates and revisions.

We will not use a specific text book this year. The syllabus will be covered by the lectures, and some articles and web resources.

One main ingredient will be the use of probabilistic and statistical methods in NLP. You will not need a specific text book, but for reference it can be useful to own a book on statistics. If you have taken a course on statistics, the book from the course will do. If you do not own any book on statistics, the first part of "Statistics in a nutshell" will cover all we will consider in roughly the same order.

Also, if you are a totally newbie to statistics - and have some spare time during the summer - "The cartoon guide to statistics" will give you a first taste.

We will use Python as our main tool in the course. If you do not know any Python, you should look on the recommendations for required background for INF2820 and start practise the sooner the better.

Publisert 9. juli 2015 12:44 - Sist endret 9. juli 2015 13:57