
Published Dec. 10, 2017 1:54 PM

Now, that everyone has submitted their reports on Project B, we publish the results of SRL competition (or shared task, if you like). We have 12 student scores (3 persons did not want their results to be shown), and one baseline system score. The gold test set is published as well, together with the evaluation script.

5 submissions were made after the first official deadline, they are marked 'late'.

The submissions were evaluated with 4 metrics:

  1. Macro F1 measure
  2. Accuracy
  3. Correlation between the frequencies of each role in...
Published Nov. 30, 2017 10:26 AM

I have uploaded earlier exams, see here.

Published Nov. 21, 2017 9:03 AM

The regular lectures and lab sessions are finished. Because of the very late exam, we will postpone the wrap-up and exam exercise session(s) to the week starting 11 Dec. We will meet Monday, 11 Dec, and - if demanded - Tuesday 12 Dec.

Published Nov. 20, 2017 2:48 PM

Here are some additional remarks to the obligatory assignment 4 (Project B):

  1. In some classifiers, categorical features with high cardinality (like lemmas for predicates/arguments) can greatly increase the training time after being converted to sparse binary vectors. Thus, it is not obligatory to use lemma of the predicate (the first feature from section 2.2 of the assignment) in your baseline system. However, you can decide to somehow cope with the sparsity problem or use other classifiers, if you want.
  2. The global scoring part (section 2.4 of the assignment) is an advanced-level task (*). It is possible to get a passing grade without fully completing this part. Still, you should at least try after you are done with other parts....
Published Nov. 14, 2017 9:18 PM

Obligatory assignment 4 on semantic role labeling (Project B) is published now. Good luck with it!

Published Nov. 13, 2017 11:02 AM

Example solutions for the obligatory assignment 3  (Project A) are published on the UiO Github.

Also, the reading list for the lecture 13 "Modern Approaches to Semantic Role Labeling" (November 14) is available on the Syllabus page.

Published Nov. 6, 2017 6:49 PM

The reading list for the lecture 12 "Introduction to Semantic Role Labeling" (November 7) is available on the Syllabus page.

Also, make sure to walk through the exercises of group session 9 on WSD.

Published Oct. 27, 2017 7:14 PM

The reading list for the lecture 11 "Word Sense Disambiguation today" (October 31) is available on the Syllabus page.

Published Oct. 9, 2017 9:05 AM

Obligatory assignment 3  on dependency parsing (Project A) is published now. Good luck with it!

Published Oct. 2, 2017 10:50 AM

The reading list for the lecture 7 "Modern Approaches to Dependency Parsing" (October 3) is available on the Syllabus page.

Published Sep. 28, 2017 2:02 PM

I have given individual comments in devilry and put a sketch of a solution in /projects/nlp/inf5830 at the IFI cluster.

Published Sep. 28, 2017 2:00 PM

I have got some questions regarding oblig.2, and have posted some answers here.

Published Sep. 21, 2017 7:30 PM

The reading list for the lecture 6 "Dependency grammar and data-driven dependency parsing" (September 26) is available on the Syllabus page.

Published Sep. 17, 2017 9:47 PM

The second obligatory assignment is out.  Deadline is 6 October. Enjoy!

Published Sep. 17, 2017 9:43 PM

There will be regular lab session, Monday 18 Sept. at 1215.  And there will be regular lecture Tuesday 19 Sept at 1015. No (more) Monday tutorials.

Published Sep. 7, 2017 10:22 AM

The next main lecture (lecture 4) has been moved from Tuesday, 12 Sep. to Monday 11 Sept., 1415 in Perl. (The regular tutorial slot after the lab session). No class Tue 12 Sept. See syllabus page for program.

Published Sep. 1, 2017 7:28 AM

The first obligatory assignment is out. Due date 22 Sept. Also dates for forthcoming assignments is out.

Published Aug. 22, 2017 8:37 AM

I have made a query regarding your background knowledge. It is anonymous. Please go to and answer the query.

Published Aug. 7, 2017 6:03 PM

Welcome to a new semester. First class is Tuesday 22 August. I have posted some more information, in particular on expected background. Look at the syllabus link.