
Publisert 1. juni 2017 20:08

Here is the promised solutions to the sample exam PDF.

With the correct solution to 1 f)  and 2 b), but not all solutions PDF

On friday 02.06.2017 in seminar room Caml 10:15 (usual room for friday lectures), we will give a rough overview of the solutions and be available for questions regarding the exam and sample exam.

Publisert 26. mai 2017 10:12

Here we post some sample exam questions sample exam (PDF fixed)

This is supposed to give some examples of the types of questions you can get on the exam. We have tried to cover a good share of the curriculum, but we have of course not covered everything.

OBS! This sample is larger and more comprehensive the actual exam.

Publisert 2. mai 2017 18:01

Now Mandatory exercise 2 is available at

Deadline: may 16, 2017

Publisert 2. apr. 2017 20:57

During the group session on monday 03.04, I will be holding a Introduction to Tensorflow lecture.

For those who cannot attend, I recommend following the guides in

Publisert 27. mars 2017 13:36

 See here for hints when implementing backpropagation of a two-layer net

Publisert 24. mars 2017 13:24

For those you did not attend today's lecture: you can submit your feedback on the course by filling in this form . Fill in on paper and hand it in to the student expedition desk on 4th floor.


Publisert 15. mars 2017 21:22

 This friday I will give a review of image convolution, edge detection, designing filters in the image- and Fourier-domain, and how filter banks can be used to extract features in images.
This is indended as background for convolutional nets.

No weekly exercises given this week, you should focus on Mandatory 1

Publisert 10. mars 2017 17:21

Now Mandatory exercise 1 is available at


Dearline: March 31, 2017

Publisert 27. jan. 2017 08:58

The lecture today (jan 27) will be held in English.

Starting from February 3, lectures will be in Norwegian. But an  hour  with questions/discussion in English will be set up after the lectures, and links to relevant youtube lectures given.
All lecture foils and exercises will be in English.

Publisert 20. jan. 2017 13:27

Kurset vil åpne inntil 10 plasser for etteranmelding. Disse åpnes tirsdag kl. 9. Du må melde deg opp i studentweb tirsdag og plassene fylles fortløpende.


The course will open up for 10 more students. It opens Tuesday at 9.00 in Studentweb.

Publisert 20. jan. 2017 13:08


Since the course is very crowded, but we expect that quite a few will decide that this course is not for them, we will allow some overbooking also if you have not yet registered for the course.

If you have not registered yet, send a mail to and explain why you want this course, and your briefly your field of research, background in programming, math, and image analysis. We will open up to those with a decent background and good motivation.



Publisert 20. jan. 2017 09:43

Today's lecture moved to room C due to an exam

Publisert 15. jan. 2017 19:59

Velkommen til et morsomt, men krevende kurs! 

Kurset er populært og fulltegnet, tildels overbooket fram til første oblig, da vi regner med endel faller fra. Vennligst møt på første forelesning hvis du vet du vil ta kurset. Send  en mail til hvis du er forhindret. 

Minner om at kurset krever kunnskaper i programmering (inkl. Python), bildeanalyse, spesielt filtere og konvolusjon, lineær algebra og en liten bakgrunn i klassifikasjon. 

Come to the first lecture as the course is full! Send an e-mail to if you cannot attend the first lecture.