Teaching plan

DateTeacherPlaceTopicLecture notes / comments
18.01.2012Johan Benum Evensberget  Awk (room 3118)  A walk in the forest  Johan's slides are now available. 
15.02.2012Lars-Erik Bruce  Awk (room3118)  Apache UIMA and Mayo cTAKES, UIMA and how it is used in the clinical domain  The slides are available. 
29.02.2012Emanuele Lapponi  Awk (room 3118)  Negative scope resolution  The slides are available. 
14.03.2012Arne Skjærholt  Awk (room 3118)  Something from nothing: Supervised learning of syntax, without (in-domain) training data  The slides are available. 
28.03.2012Angelina Ivanova  Awk (room 3118)  Conversion or Redwoods  The slides are available 
11.04.2012Dag Trygve Truslew Haug  Awk (room 3118)  From dependency structures to LFG representations  the slides are available 
25.04.2012      cancelled 
09.05.2012Jennifer Foster   Awk (room 3118)  Parsing the Language of Web 2.0  The slides are available. 
30.05.2012Sumithra Velupillai  Awk (room 3118)  Shades of Certainty -- Working with Swedish Medical Records and the Stockholm EPR Corpus  The slides are available. 
06.06.2012Lidia Pivovarova  Awk (room 3118)  Expansion of an Information Extraction System to the Russian Language  the slides are available 
13.06.2012Francis Bond  Awk (room 3118)   to be determined  The slides are available 
Published Dec. 5, 2011 4:07 PM - Last modified Aug. 20, 2012 1:23 PM