
DatoUndervises avStedTemaKommentarer / ressurser
01.09.2005Edgar Bostrøm  Store Aud  Introduction  Slides:  
07.09.2005Edgar Bostrøm  Store Aud  Research in Computer Science Education  Support reading:

  • F & P - part 1 (p1-77)


08.09.2005Edgar Bostrøm  Store Aud  Project planning  Support reading:

  • Gilmore (1990)
14.09.2005Christian Holmboe  Store Aud  Theories of learning  Exam reading:

  • Greeno et al (1996)


15.09.2005Christian Holmboe  Store Aud  CSE Research  Exam reading:


21.09.2005Christian Holmboe  Store Aud  Learning theory in CSE research  Exam reading:


22.09.2005Edgar Bostrøm  Store Aud  Learning strategies and teaching methods  Support reading:


28.09.2005DEADLINE  PROJECT DESCRIPTION    Approx 1/2 page describing problem, data collection and method. 
28.09.2005Christian Holmboe  Store Aud  Misconceptions  Exam Reading:
  • F & P - part2 (ch1)
  • Pea (1986)

Support reading:

  • duBoulay (1986)
  • Schackelford&Badre (1993)
  • Taylor (1990)


06.10.2005Christian Holmboe  Store Aud  Learning to design  Exam reading:
  • Fincher&Petre part2 (ch4)
  • Sharp (1991)

Support reading:


19.10.2005DEADLINE  PROJECT DRAFT    Draft version of paper due. Feedback will be given. The further you have come, the more feedback you can get. 
20.10.2005Christian Holmboe  Store Aud  Schemas and Plans  Exam reading:
  • F & P - part2 (ch5)
  • Batra & Antony (1994)
  • Soloway & Ehrlich (1984)

Support reading:


26.10.2005Christian Holmboe  Store Aud  Programming environments & Vizualisation  Exam reading:
  • F & P - part2 (ch3)
  • F & P - part2 (ch6)

Support reading:


27.10.2005Edgar Bostrøm  Store Aud  PROJECT PRESENTATIONS   
03.11.2005Christian Holmboe  Store Aud  Language in CS learning  Exam reading:

Support reading:


10.11.2005Edgar Bostrøm  Store Aud  User Training & Learning in organizations  Exam reading:


User Training and Learning in organizations 

16.11.2005DEADLINE  FINAL PROJECT PAPER    The delivery counts 49% of the final mark in the course. No late delivery will be accepted. This is a formal part of your exam! 
17.11.2005Christian Holmboe  Store Aud  Summing up + Exam preparation  Exam reading:
  • everything

Support reading:

  • everything else


Publisert 18. aug. 2005 17:56 - Sist endret 24. nov. 2005 00:01