
DatoUndervises avStedTemaKommentarer / ressurser
27.08.2008Magne Jørgensen  3B  Introduction  Supporting text:

Tore Dybå, Barbara Kitchenham and Magne Jørgensen, Evidence-based Software Engineering for Practitioners, IEEE Software, Vol. 22, No. 1, Jan-Feb 2005. (You can download it from: simula.no/research/engineering/publications/Dyba.2005.1) 

03.09.2008Magne Jørgensen  3B  Argumentation analysis  Alec Fisher, The logic of real arguments, Chapter 2: A general method of argument analysis. Cambridge University Press. 2004. p 15-28.

Karyn Charles Rybacki and Donald Jay Rybacki, Advocacy and opposition, Chapter 8: What should I avoid? Pearson. 2004. p 142-163.

(For scanned versions of these two chapters, see teaching material)


10.09.2008    No lecture!!!   
17.09.2008Magne Jørgensen  3B  Research Methods I - Scientific method, experiments, surveys   Supporting texts:

Briony J Oates, Researching information systems and computing, SAGE Publications. (Section 7, Surveys)

Claes Wohlin et al. Experimentation in software engineering. Kluwer Academic Publishers. (Section 11, Experiments)


Empirical research in software engineering: Barbara Kitchenham et al., Preliminary Guidelines for Empirical Research in Software Engineering, IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 2002.


24.09.2008Bente Anda  3B  Research Methods III: Case studies  B. C. D. Anda, K. Hansen, I. Gullesen and H. K. Thorsen. Experiences from Using a UML-based Development Method in a Large Safety-Critical Project, Empirical Software Engineering 11(4):555-581, 2006.

C. B. Seaman, V. R. Basili, An Empirical Study of Communication in Code Inspections, ICSE 97, 96-106.

P. Darke, G. Shanks, M. Broadbent, Successfully completing case study research: combining rigour, relevance and pragmatism, Info Systems J, 1998, 8, 273-289.

B. Flyvebjerg, Five Misunderstandings About Case-Study Research, Qualitative Inquiry, Volume 12 Number 2, 219-245. 

01.10.2008Magne Jørgensen  3B  Research Methods II – Measurement theory, statistical methods   Supporting text:

Software quality measurement, M. Jørgensen, Advances in Engineering Software 30(12):907-912, 1999. (Dowload from "Undervisningsmateriell")


08.10.2008Magne Jørgensen  3B  Collection and evaluation of results from research studies and practice-based experience   Supporting texts:
  • Kitchenham et al., Guidelines for performing Systematic Literature Reviews in Software Engineering, Kitchenham, 2007.
  • Jørgensen, Forecasting of Software Development Work Effort: Evidence on Expert Judgment and Formal Models, Jørgensen, 2007 (International Journal of Forecasting)
15.10.2008Dag Sjøberg  3B  Research on software engineering research   Supporting text: D. I. K. Sjøberg, T. Dybå and M. Jørgensen. The Future of Empirical Methods in Software Engineering Research, In Future of Software Engineering (FOSE '07), edited by Briand L. and Wolf A., Minneapolis, US, 23-25 May 2007. IEEE-CS Press, pages 358-378, 2007.


22.10.2008    No lectures!   
29.10.2008Magne Jørgensen  3B  Research on software project management   
05.11.2008Stein Grimstad  3B  Research on software cost estimation   
12.11.2008Erik Arisholm  3B  Research on object oriented analysis and design   
19.11.2008Magne Jørgensen  3B  Summary  This will not be an ordinary lecture, but two hours where I will be present to discuss project related questions and give feedback on preliminary versions of project reports. 
Published Aug. 14, 2008 3:05 PM - Last modified Oct. 12, 2008 7:50 PM