
Text Book

Winograd, T (ed.) with Bennett, De Young, and Bradley Bringing design to software, c1996. ACM Press books, Reading, Mass.: Addison Wesley, ISBN 0-201-85491-0, h.

User-centered Design

Introduction [Textbook Pgs xiii – xxv]

The Designer’s Stance [Textbook Pgs 151- 165]


Patnaik, D. & Becker, R. (1999)Needfinding: The Why and How of Uncovering People's Needs Design Management Journal, 10, 2, (1999), 37-44.

Participatory Design

Bjerknes, G. & Bratteteig, T. (1995) User Participation and Democracy: A Discussion of Scandinavian Research on System Development Journal of Information Systems, 1, 7, (1995), 73-98.

Bratteteig, T (2004) Making Change. Dealing with relations between design and use., Dr. Philos dissertation, Department of Informatics, University of Oslo. ISSN 1501-7710, sid. 1-31.


Design for People at Work [Textbook, Chapter 14, Pgs. 273 – 290]

Brandt, E (2006) Designing exploratory design games: a framework for participation in Participatory Design?. Proceedings Participatory Design Conference 2006, Trento, Italy, pp. 57 - 66, ACM Press New York, NY, USA, ISBN:1-59593-460-X

Elovaara, P., Igira, F.T. & Mörtberg, C (2006) Whose Participation? Whose Knowledge? - Exploring PD in Tanzania-Zanzibar and Sweden. Participatory Design Conference 2006, Trento, Italy, pp. 105-114, ACM Press New York, NY, USA, ISBN:1-59593-460-X

User Selection & Personas

Calabria, T (2004) An introduction to personas and how to create them

Kujala, S. & Kauppinen, M. (2004)Identifying and selecting users for user-centered design NordiCHI '04, October 23-27, 2004 Tampere, Finland


Kanstrup, A.M. & Christiansen, E. (2006)Selecting and evoking innovators: combining democracy and creativity NordiCHI '06, October 14-18, 2006 Oslo, Norway


Mörtberg, C. & Stuedahl, D. (2005) SILENCES and SENSIBILITIES - increasing participation in IT design


Cultures of Prototyping [Textbook, Chapter 10, Pgs 191 – 206]

Buchenau, M. & Fulton Suri, J. Experience Prototyping


Bardram, J., Bossen, C. et al (2002) Virtual Video Prototyping of Pervasive Healthcare System. DIS2002, London, ACM.

Moen, A., Smørdal, O. et al (2004) Information Sharing in Interdisciplinary Mobile Health Teams

Moen, A., Smørdal, O. et al (2004) PD and Infrastructures for coordination and communication in Interdisciplinary Mobile Health Teams

Design in Practice

Design As Practiced [Textbook, Chapter 12, Pgs 233-247]


Reflective Conversation with Materials [Textbook, Chapter 9, Pgs 171-184]

Footholds for Design [Textbook, Chapter 11, Pgs 215 -227]

Additional Resources

Bjerknes, G., Ehn, P., og Kyng, M. (red): Computers and Democracy—a Scandinavian Challenge , 1987. Avebury, Aldershot.

Bødker, K.; F. Kensing og J. Simonsen: Participatory IT Design. Designing for Business and Workplace Realities, 2004. MIT Press .

Fitzgerald, B. Russo, N. L. & Stolterman, E.: Information systems development : methods in action, 2002. London : McGraw-Hill. ISBN: 0-07-709836-6 (hft.).

Karasti, H: Increasing Sensitivity Towards Everyday Work Practice in Systems Design. , 2001. Oulu: Department of Information Processing Science, Oulu University. Doctoral Thesis A 362. Publication in Adobe PDF-format

Schuler, D. og Namioka, A. (red) : Participatory Design. Principles and Practices , 1993. Lawrence Erlbaum Ass., Hillsdale, New Jersey.

Published Apr. 24, 2007 8:24 PM - Last modified Feb. 7, 2020 4:04 PM