Next week (Tuesday 6. October): Midterm assignment + guest lecture

Next week (Tuesday 6. October) there will be a guest lecture in TEK4500. Martin Strand PhD, is a researcher at the Norwegian Defence Research Establishment (FFI) and works on various topics within the field of cryptography. I hope as many as possible will be able to attend.

After the lecture the midterm assignment will become available on Canvas from 17:00, October 06. This is a home assignment and is due October 20, 23:59 (2 weeks). Please submit your solution in PDF format only on Canvas. I highly recommend to write-up your answer using LaTex. I will make a LaTex template file available together with the assignment which you are encouraged to use. There are multiple resources online you can consult if you've never used LaTex before, e.g. this one from UiO (some in Norwegian, some in English).

The assignment is individual so no collaboration is allowed. Nor are you allowed to try to locate direct solutions to the questions elsewhere. You are to solve the problems on your own.   

The midterm assignment is mandatory and graded on a pass/fail scale. A passing grade will be required to take the final exam.

Published Sep. 29, 2020 9:53 PM - Last modified Sep. 29, 2020 9:53 PM