For the Spring 2016 the following modules will be given. You will find period of teaching for the modules under �the semester plan� (comes up at the end of week 51), and the detailed schedule for each module under �the schedule for the modules� when those information are published later.

Module 1: NMR

Frode Rise, Dirk Petersen

Module 8: Kvantekjemiske metoder

Simen Reine

Module 13: Powder diffraction X-ray

David Wragg/NN

Module 16: Diffusion of fluids within porous materials, NMR part II

Eddy Walther Hansen.

Module 18: Single crystal X-ray diffraction

Carl Henrik G�rbitz

Module 24: ICP-AES

Grethe Wibetoe, Anne-Marie Skramstad

(Module 27: Str�levern )

Jon Petter Omtvedt. (!!! Not offered Spring 2016)

(Module 28: Gamma-spektroskopi)

Jon Petter Omtvedt. (!!! Not offered Spring 2016)

Module 30: HMS and laboratory safety.

Vidar  Blekastad m.fl.

(Module 32 - 35: cancelled)