
Publisert 26. mai 2014 11:38

The time for the last class (originally set for Friday May 30th) will take place on Wednesday 28-05 at 11.15 in Ø316 (NOT Marie Curie). 

Publisert 26. mai 2014 11:28

English Versions of old exams 2006-2013 are now posted.

Publisert 19. mai 2014 10:01

There will be a class at 10.15 in Marie Curie on Friday 30-05 for questions regarding the exam.

Publisert 5. mai 2014 15:45

I will not be present this week (19), May 7 and 9. The Next class will be May 14 and 16, same time and place as usual.

The last day to hand in problemsets for approval is Friday May 16th.

Publisert 30. apr. 2014 14:52

A brief English translation of the questions in K19-20 is uploaded.

Publisert 30. apr. 2014 08:18

Have a uploaded a brief translation of the questions in K17-18. K19-20 will come ASAP.

Publisert 21. mars 2014 07:52

I will not be present during today's kollokvie due to illness.
