
CURRICULUM  (reading list) KJM3400 Analytical Chemistry II - Separation methods

Spring 2019



J.N. Miller; J.C. Miller and R.D. Miller, Statistics and Chemometrics for Analytical Chemistry, 7th ed. 2017 (or 6 ed. 2010 or 5th ed. 2005), Pearson Education Limited (51 pages)

Ch. 3                    Significance tests (23 p: 36 -66), not the following: 3.11, 3.12 and 3.14

Ch. 4-6                 Shewhart charts for mean values (2 p: 79-81)

Ch. 4-7                 Shewhart charts for ranges (3 p: 81-83)

Ch. 7                     Experimental design and optimization, not the following: 7.9 – 7.12      



E. Lundanes, L. Reubsaet and T. Greibrokk, Chromatography – Basic Principles, Sample Preparations and Related Methods, 2014, Wiley VCH, approximately 157 pages,

Ch. 1                    General concepts (15 pages)

Ch. 2                    Gas chromatography (30 pages)

Ch. 3                    High performance liquid chromatography (56 pages)

Ch. 4                    Thin layer chromatography (10 pages)

Ch. 5                    Supercritical fluid chromatography (12 pages)

Ch. 6                    Electrophoresis and potential-driven chromatography – except pp 135-147 (9 pages)

Ch. 8                    Sample preparation – except pp 175-188 (14 pages)

Ch. 9                    Quantitation (11 pages)


Total: About 200 pages (There are some overlap between the curriculum for KJM3400 and KJM2400)


Laboratory assignments KJM3400, UiO, 2019


Slides from lectures



Laboratory assignments:

Assignment 0.         

Lab techniques; making connecting tubings, leak search and gas flask handling etc.

Assignment 1.         

Determination of fatty acids in edible oils by capillary gas chromatography

Assignment 2.         

Identification of aliphates and aromatics in crude oil by capillary gas chromatography mass spectrometry                           

Assignment 3.

Determination of benzoic acid in berries or jam by reversed phase liquid chromatography

Assignment 4.

Determination of carnitine in artificial urine by HILIC liquid chromatography electrospray mass spectrometry

Publisert 4. jan. 2019 15:14 - Sist endret 10. jan. 2020 09:26